新关注 > 信息聚合 > 四川叙永艺人用4万根竹签嵌出家乡“国宝”建筑


Sichuan Xuyong artist with 40 thousand bamboo block a "national treasure" home building

2016-05-03 23:03:01来源: 中国新闻网

中新网泸州5月3日电 (邹立杨 苏忠国)“太像了!几乎是一模一样!”5月3日,四川泸州市叙永县民间艺人余航用手工仿制的当地“国宝”建筑——春秋祠竣工,吸引了众多关注的目光。令人称奇的是,这座“国宝”建筑竟然是用4万余根竹签及少量竹筷镶嵌而成。 余航打造的竹签版“春秋祠”长145厘米、...

Beijing, Luzhou, May 3 power (Su Zhongguo and Zou Liyang) too much like the! Almost exactly the same!" On March 5, Sichuan Xuyong County, Luzhou City folk artist Yu Hang with manual imitation of the local "national treasure" Building -- Spring Temple completed, attracting attention of many eyes. The surprising thing is that the "national treasure" building should be used more than 40 thousand root bamboo sign and a small amount of bamboo chopsticks inlaid. Yu Hang build bamboo version of "Spring Temple" 145 cm long,...