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辣妈名模谈母乳喂养遭网友批评 发声道歉

Freaky supermodel on breastfeeding being netizens criticized voice apology

2015-08-09 11:06:26来源: 新浪

周汶锜在fb为自己“不知母乳够不够饱”的言论解释及道歉 新浪娱乐讯 北京时间8月9日消息,据香港媒体报道,7月初生下混血儿子Jacques的名模周汶锜(Kathy),刚坐完月子的她日前首次亮相活...

the best in FB for their "breast milk do not know enough full" remarks explain and apologize Sina entertainment news Beijing time August 9 news, according to Hong Kong media reports, July primary mixed his son Jacques supermodel the best (Kathy), just sit out after her confinement recently debuted live...