新关注 > 信息聚合 > 郑大北校区召开“社会主义核心价值观专题讲座”


The North Campus of Zhengzhou University held a "socialist core value concept of 10 month lectures

2015-10-23 17:35:03来源: 大河网

大河网讯 10月22日晚,郑州大学软件与应用科技学院“社会主义核心价值观专题讲座”活动在郑州大学北校区召开。活动邀请到河南省委党校哲学教研部主任、省管优秀专家丁素教授,为同学们讲述了《社会主义核心价...

river network on the evening of 22, Zhengzhou University Software College of Applied Science and technology," the socialist core value concept of Thematic Lecture "activities held in the North Campus of Zhengzhou University. Activities invited to the Henan provincial Party Committee Party School of philosophy, director of the Department of philosophy, the provincial management expert Professor Ding Su, for the students to tell the socialist core price...