新关注 > 信息聚合 > 武汉家居市场火爆促销 仍救不回市场冷清(图)

武汉家居市场火爆促销 仍救不回市场冷清(图)

Wuhan household market hot promotion is still can't save back to cold and cheerless (FIG.)

2015-05-07 18:32:42来源: 荆楚网

门庭冷清的家居卖场 荆楚网消息(记者 冯梓晔)随着“五一”小长假的结束,家居市场也从“金三银四”迈入了到了“红五月”。本该迎来第一个销售旺季的家装市场,顾客反响却并不强烈。 近日,记者走访武...

Conversion of cold and cheerless furniture store News of network of chaste tree hunan (reporter Feng Ziye) with the end of "51" little long holiday, household market from the "four" yue also ushered in the "red" in May. Was supposed to usher in the first season of the home market, customer response is not strong. Recently, the reporter visited wu...