新关注 > 信息聚合 > 民政部2015国家公务员面试递补人选公告


The Ministry of civil affairs of 2015 national civil servant interview for candidates notice

2015-02-12 16:18:40来源: 中公教育

因部分考生自愿放弃面试资格,根据中组部、国家公务员局关于公务员招考面试工作的有关规定,按照公共科目笔试成绩从高到低的顺序递补2个职位的3名考生进入面试名单,并相应调整这2个职位面试最低分数线: 职...

because some candidates to voluntarily give up the interview qualification, according to the relevant provisions of the Central Organization Department, State Bureau of civil servants on civil service recruitment interview work, according to the public subject written examination results from high to low in order to fill 2 positions of the 3 candidates to enter the interview list, and the corresponding adjust the 2 job interviews the lowest fractional line: position...