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中美男篮对战 球迷嗨翻天

China and the United States men's basketball team proud fans against hi

2016-04-19 04:41:33来源: 新浪

原标题:中美男篮对战 球迷嗨翻天 华商报讯(记者 马新斌)4月17日晚,2016“金方圆广场杯”中美青年男篮精英挑战赛在咸阳市体育馆打响。在现场3000多名球迷的加油呐喊声中,两队鏖战4节,奉献...

The original title: China and the United States men's basketball team proud fans against hi Chinese (reporter Ma Xinbin) on the evening of April 17, 2016 "Jin Fangyuan square cup" China youth men's basketball team elite challenge in xianyang gymnasium. More than 3000 fans at the scene of refueling Shouting, section 4, the two teams fighting dedication...