新关注 > 信息聚合 > 省电 微软Xbox One含Kinect 售价3699元

省电 微软Xbox One含Kinect 售价3699元

Save electricity Microsoft Xbox One containing it costs 3699 yuan

2016-05-21 08:16:19来源: 中关村在线

【中关村在线兰州行情】2016年5月21日,Xbox ONE是微软推出的第三代家用游戏主机,采用8核心处理器,新一代图形处理器,500GB硬盘,游戏性能更强,画面比上一代XBOX 360提升不少,是...

Zhongguancun online lanzhou market 】 【 on May 21, 2016, the Xbox is ONE Microsoft launched the third generation of home game console, using 8 core processor, a new generation of graphics processor, 500 gb hard drive, game performance is stronger, the picture than the previous generation Xbox 360 many, is...

标签: Xbox 微软