新关注 > 信息聚合 > 中信银行长沙分行打造“新长城自强班”夏令营


Changsha branch of China CITIC Bank to build the self class "summer camp

2015-08-21 23:00:25来源: 中国新闻网湖南新闻

湖南新闻网长沙8月21日电 (通讯员 彭姣)21日,正值暑假,在班主任的带领下,15名新邵一中学子来到了中信银行长沙分行,开启了为期三天的夏令营之旅。而这些学子均来自一个特殊的集体——“中信银行·新...

Hunan News Network Changsha, August 21 (reporter Peng Jiao) 21, coincided with the summer, under the leadership of the headteacher, 15 new Shao Yizhong students came to the CITIC Bank Changsha branch, opened a three-day trip summer camp. And these students are from a special collective - "China CITIC bank...