新关注 > 信息聚合 > 桂林市民与中外游客“骑游”漓江东线生态示范带


Guilin residents and tourists "riding" Lijiang East ecological demonstration zone

2015-12-12 22:51:55来源: 中国新闻网

参与互动 12月12日,广西桂林在灵川县举办以“骑游”为主题的体验活动,大力宣传推介漓江东线百里生态示范带经典旅游线路。 唐梦宪 摄 12月12日,广西桂林在灵川县举办以“骑游”为主题的体验...

interactive December 12th, Guangxi Guilin in Lingchuan county held a "riding" as the theme of the activities, to promote ecological demonstration zone in the Lijiang River East hundred classic tourist routes. Tang Mengxian photo taken in December 12th, the Guangxi Guilin in Lingchuan county to the "riding tour" as the theme of the experience...