新关注 > 信息聚合 > 高校成立大学生消费教育协会 免费提供维权指导

高校成立大学生消费教育协会 免费提供维权指导

Colleges and universities to set up consumer education association of college students to provide free legal rights guidance

2015-03-14 11:19:40来源: 参考消息

人民网武汉3月14日电 “现在终于不怕碰见黑心商家,无处维权了。” 为保护大学生消费权益,13日,武昌工学院经济与管理学院成立了大学生消费教育协会。当天共有来自该校各学院的200名学生报名参加。 ...

people.com.cn Wuhan on 14 March, "now finally not afraid to meet black businesses, no rights." For the protection of consumer rights and interests of college students, and on the 13 day, School of economics and management, Wuchang Institute of technology set up consumer education association of College students. The day a total of 200 students from the school to the college to enroll. ...