新关注 > 信息聚合 > WP移动应用分发平台爱应用获千万美元投资


WP mobile application distribution platform application of love won last month, millions of dollars of investment

2015-07-08 19:06:33来源: 新浪

上月,Windows Phone平台第一渠道“爱应用”宣布获得千万级美元A轮融资。据悉,该轮融资由天使轮和Pre-A轮投资方联合追投,这也是迄今为止国内WP领域融资数额最大的一笔风险投资。 “爱应用”CEO穆建鑫表示,接下来将加大研发、渠道方向的投入,进一步巩固“爱应用”在WP平台的...

, windows phone platform first channel love applications announced the acquisition of tens of millions of dollars a round of financing. It is reported that this round of financing by the angel round and Pre-A round of investment in the joint venture, which is by far the largest amount of investment in the field of WP, a venture capital. Love application CEO Mu Jianxin said that the next step will be to increase investment in research and development, channel direction, and further consolidate the love application in the WP platform...