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鲁能助教:胜利告慰蒿俊闵父亲 亚外下轮或登场

Luneng assistant: Victory comfort Hao Junmin father sub outside the lower whorl or debut

2015-06-28 23:44:02来源: 新浪

鲁能执行主帅马宝刚 新浪体育讯 在一场有争议的较量中,山东鲁能6月28日在客场以2比1 逆转长春亚泰。赛后,曾在长春亚泰效力过的杨旭、赵明剑跑向长春橙风球迷的看台,向曾经支持过他们的长春球迷谢场。而执行主帅马宝刚则在赛后新闻发布会上表示,能够赢得这场比赛靠的是球队的拼搏精神和战斗精神...

Luneng coach Ma Baogang of sina sports dispatch in a controversial contest, Shandong Luneng June 28, on the road to Changchun Yatai 2-1 reverse the implementation. After the game, he in Changchun Yatai Club Xu, Zhao Mingjian ran to Changchun orange wind fans in the stands to have supported their Changchun fans thank field. The executive coach Ma Baogang, said in a press conference after the match, to win the game is on the team's spirit and spirit of fighting...