新关注 > 信息聚合 > 历经十年的等待!全新奥迪Q7激情上市!


After ten years of waiting! New Audi Q7 passion listed!

2015-11-30 18:57:03来源: 爱卡汽车网

减重不减速 拥有ultra轻量化技术的全新奥迪Q7可以做到 采用铝、镁、碳纤维等创新材料 搭配灵活设计结构 车身减重多达300kg 提升了动力性能的同时 还拥有低于同级8%的...

weight loss of does not slow down with ultra lightweight technology of the new Audi Q7 can do flexible collocation structure design of body weight up to 300kg to enhance the dynamic performance at the same time also has less than 8% at the same level by use of aluminum, magnesium, carbon fiber and other innovative materials.