新关注 > 信息聚合 > 吴优《淑女涩男》惊艳亮相 蛇精造型笑翻全场

吴优《淑女涩男》惊艳亮相 蛇精造型笑翻全场

Wu you the lady astringent male "stunning debut snake shape laugh over the audience

2015-07-08 19:53:51来源: 人民网

吴优“蛇精”造型 吴优“蛇精”造型 吴优在剧中饰演“海归”时尚总监邓莎 近日,由吴优主演的青春励志喜剧《淑女涩男》正在热播中,爆笑的无厘头叙事风格和时下最流行网络元素让该剧刚开播就倍受瞩...

Wu and snake shape Wu snake shape Wu you played in the drama" returnees "fashion director of our recently, starring Wu youth inspirational comedy" Lady astringent male "is hit, nonsensical narrative style of comedy and nowadays most popular network elements for the show to just launch has attracted much attention...