新关注 > 信息聚合 > 福田萨瓦纳将于3月上市 预售15-17万元

福田萨瓦纳将于3月上市 预售15-17万元

Fukuda Savannah will be listed sale 15-17 yuan

2015-01-23 00:47:49来源: 爱卡汽车网

早在去年的广州车展上,福田萨瓦纳就已经完成了首发。近日,有消息称,该车有望于今年3月正式上市,新车预计售价在15-17万元之间。 小贴士:福田萨瓦纳车型消息,将今年3月上市;预售15-17万元 ...

as early as in last year's Guangzhou motor show in March, Fukuda Savannah had already completed the first. Recently, the message says, the car is expected to be officially listed in March this year, the new car is expected to price at between 15-17 million. Tips: Futian Savannah models news, will be launched in March this year pre-sale 15-17 million...