新关注 > 信息聚合 > 陪女足看海!武汉全城被淹!东亚杯草坪无碍


Accompany women watching the sea! Wuhan City flooded! East Asian Cup lawn without obstruction 24 hearing, rain in the

2015-07-24 11:54:35来源: 华体网

7月24日讯 暴雨席卷江城,网友纷纷调侃来武汉看海,武汉无敌海景房……整个武汉被雨水沦陷了!中国女足在武汉备战东亚杯,这场突如其来的暴雨给姑娘们带来了一丝的凉意的同时,也影响了她们的备战。不过雨过天...

7 sweeping Jiangcheng, users have to laugh, to see the sea in Wuhan, Wuhan invincible Seaview real...... The whole of Wuhan was occupied by the rain! Chinese women's football in Wuhan, to prepare for the Asian Cup, this sudden rainstorm to the girls brought trace of coolness, and at the same time, also influence their preparation. But the rain day...