新关注 > 信息聚合 > 青山绿水间“逆袭” 浙江舟山走出乡村“文艺范儿..

青山绿水间“逆袭” 浙江舟山走出乡村“文艺范儿..

Between the mountains "counterattack" Zhejiang Zhoushan out of the rural "Fan Art children..

2015-08-31 23:34:45来源: 中国新闻网

中新网舟山8月31日电(记者 林波 见习记者 李佳赟)当静躺在青山绿水中的小山村“邂逅”时尚创意,曾经的普通村落,摇身一变成了远近闻名的“文艺村”,散发出了浓浓的“绿富美”气质。 位于浙江省舟山...

China news net new Zhoushan August 31 (reporter LiMPO trainee reporter Li Jia Yun) when static lying in the green mountains and blue waters in the small mountain village" encounter "fashion and creative, once common village, shake into the art village with famed far and near, exudes a thick green rich beauty temperament. Located in Zhoushan, Zhejiang province...