新关注 > 信息聚合 > 冰冷与火热的碰撞 定格滑雪运动激情瞬间

冰冷与火热的碰撞 定格滑雪运动激情瞬间

Cold and hot collision fixed skiing passions of the moment,

2015-12-30 10:34:47来源: 南方网

本文转自佳友在线 从每年的十一月底起到来年的三月左右都是北方的雪季,约上亲戚朋友去滑雪场一展身手也成了滑雪爱好者每年的固定项目,如果运气好的话还能在滑雪场一睹各位滑雪高手的风采。如此精彩有趣的瞬...

the turn since good friends online from the end of November to March the next year or so is the northern snowy season, about friends and relatives to ski exhibit skill has become a ski enthusiasts every year fixed items, if good luck you can ski to see fellow skier style. So wonderful and interesting...