新关注 > 信息聚合 > 日常如何预防单纯性牙周炎


Daily how to prevent simple periodontitis

2014-12-01 10:10:48来源: 太平洋女性网

单纯性牙周炎的临床表现 早期自觉症状不明显,患者常只有激发生性牙龈出血或口臭的表现,与龈炎症状相似。检查时可见龈缘、龈乳头和附着龈的肿胀、质松软,呈深红色或暗红色,探诊易出血。随着炎症的进一步扩散,出现下列症状: 牙周袋形成:由于炎症的扩展,牙周膜被破坏,牙槽骨逐渐吸收,牙龈与牙...

periodontitis clinical manifestations of early symptoms are not obvious, patients often only stimulate endogenous bleeding gums, or bad breath, and gingivitis symptoms similar. The swelling of the gingival margin, the nipple and the attachment of the gingival papilla and the soft and soft, and the detection of the bleeding were deep red or dark red. With the further spread of inflammation, the following symptoms: periodontal pocket formation: due to the expansion of inflammation, periodontal membrane was damaged, alveolar bone gradually absorbed, and gums and teeth...