新关注 > 信息聚合 > 自贡今年建成幸福美丽新村250个


Zigong year built a happy beautiful village on 11 250 people

2015-06-16 16:35:25来源: 人民网

6月11日,记者从自贡市幸福美丽新村建设推进工作会上获悉,按照《自贡市幸福美丽新村建设整体性安排方案》,该市2015年将建成幸福美丽新村250个,占全市行政村数量的22%;到2020年将全面完成新村建设任务,建成幸福美丽新村900个。 按照建设幸福美丽新村的总体要求,自贡市要实施包括...

6 month, reporters from Zigong City happy beautiful village construction promote work conference learned, in accordance with the "Zigong City happy beautiful village construction overall plan", the city in 2015 will be built a happy beautiful village 250, accounting for 22% of the number of administrative villages in the city; by 2020 will be fully complete the task in the construction of village, built a happy beautiful village 900. According to the overall requirements of building a happy beautiful village, Zigong city to implement include...