新关注 > 信息聚合 > 梁文冲时隔1月终复出 本周出战亚太钻石杯锦标赛

梁文冲时隔1月终复出 本周出战亚太钻石杯锦标赛

Liang after a lapse of one end of a comeback this week to play Asia Pacific diamond cup tournament

2015-09-23 22:08:47来源: 新浪

梁文冲在练习场与新加坡亚巡名将马尔丹-马玛合影 北京时间9月23日消息。梁文冲[微博]在经过1个多月的训练和休整后,本周将征战亚太钻石杯高尔夫锦标赛。 亚太钻石杯高尔夫球锦标赛是日巡赛中历史...

Liang in the practice field and Singapore and Asia Tour star Mardan - Ma Ma photo Beijing time on September 23. Liang Wenchong [micro-blog] after 1 months of training and rest, will this week in Asia Pacific diamond cup golf tournament. Asia Pacific diamond cup golf tournament is the history of the day tour...