新关注 > 信息聚合 > 首发:省环保厅发布2014年大气质量排名:青岛有..


First: Provincial Environmental Protection Bureau released 2014 air quality rankings: Qingdao has..

2015-01-29 17:50:31来源: 青岛网络电视台

山东省环保厅今天(29日)发布17城市2014年大气环境质量排名,青岛二氧化硫同比改善幅度最大,但二氧化氮出现同比恶化幅度最大。 统计显示,2014年,全省PM2.5平均浓度为每立方米82微克,...

Shandong Province Environmental Protection Bureau today (29) released 17 cities in 2014 atmospheric environmental quality rankings, Qingdao sulfur dioxide rose significantly improved, but nitrogen dioxide appeared year deterioration in maximum amplitude. Statistics show that in 2014, the province's PM2.5 average concentration of 82 micrograms per cubic meter,...