新关注 > 信息聚合 > 刘嘉玲法国受勋心情好:喝红酒终于喝出名堂


Carina Lau France honours mood: drink red wine finally drink out of tricks

2015-06-21 11:48:51来源: 中国新闻网

参与互动() 当地时间6月18日,法国西南部,刘嘉玲现身“La Fete de la Fleur”花园派对,授勋1855名庄骑士荣誉会员,手拿红酒杯浅尝小酌,气质端庄典雅。图片来源:CFP视觉中国 梁朝伟本月初在香港获得法国颁赠“法国艺术与文学军官勋章”。相隔十多天,刘嘉玲于法国...

China News Network participate in interactive () local time on June 18, southwestern France, Carina Lau appeared "La fete de la Fleur" garden party, honours 1855 Chevalier honorary member, holding wine tasted cup drink, temperament elegant. Source: CFP vision Chinese Tony Leung earlier this month in Hongkong was awarded the "French officer of the French art and literature". More than ten days, Carina Lau in france...