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全屏幕设计 传iPhone 7将取消Home键

Full screen designed iPhone 7 will cancel the home button

2015-06-23 01:35:33来源: dospy智能手机网

虽然苹果iPhone 6S和iPhone 6S Plus还没有发布,但已经有媒体按耐不住曝光了iPhone 7的相关信息。按照之前的消息显示,iPhone 7将会配备裸眼3D触控屏幕,其摄像头组件也...

although Apple iPhone 6S and iPhone 6S plus hasn't been released yet, but there have been media according to bear the exposure of the iPhone 7 related information. According to the previous message, iPhone 7 will be equipped with a bare 3D touch screen, the camera module is also...