新关注 > 信息聚合 > 成都市政协十四届三次会议已收提案835件 立案813件

成都市政协十四届三次会议已收提案835件 立案813件

The three meeting of the fourteen session of the Chengdu Municipal CPPCC has received 835 proposals for 813

2015-01-22 14:07:02来源: 人民网

21日,成都市政协十四届三次会议提案委员会召开了第三次会议。 四川新闻网记者自大会宣传组获悉,截止1月21日12:00,会议共收到提案835件,较去年同期增加了117件;参与提案的委员568人,...

21 day, three meeting of the fourteen session of the Commission proposal Chengdu city CPPCC National Committee held its third meeting. Sichuan news network reporter from the propaganda group was informed that, as of January 21st 12:00, the conference received a total of 835 pieces of the proposal, compared with the same period last year increased by 117; to participate in the proposal of 568 members,...