新关注 > 信息聚合 > 浙江出台多项举措深入推进中小学亲子辅导工作


Zhejiang introduced a number of initiatives to further promote the small and medium-sized family counseling work

2015-12-23 09:21:32来源: 中国教育新闻网

浙江多举措推进中小学亲子辅导工作 本报讯(记者 蒋亦丰 通讯员 陈蓓燕)近日,记者从浙江省中小学心理健康教育指导中心获悉,围绕《浙江省中小学亲子辅导工作指导纲要》要求,该省出台多项举措深入推进中...

in Zhejiang more than initiatives to promote small and medium-sized, family counseling work report from our correspondent (reporter correspondent Jiang Yifeng Chen Beiyan) recently, reporters from the elementary and middle schools in Zhejiang Province mental health education and guidance center was informed that, around the Zhejiang Province primary and secondary parent-child counseling guidelines for requirements, the province introduced a number of initiatives to further promote...