新关注 > 信息聚合 > 恩里克:球队的表现简直完美 替瓜帅感到高兴

恩里克:球队的表现简直完美 替瓜帅感到高兴

Enrique: the team's performance is simply perfect for melon handsome happy Enrique Sina

2015-04-22 06:29:05来源: 新浪

恩里克对球队的表现非常满意 新浪体育讯 兵不血刃!凭借内马尔的梅开二度,巴塞罗那主场2-0完胜巴黎圣日耳曼,总比分5-1轻松晋级。比赛结束之后,巴萨主教练恩里克出席了赛后的新闻发布会。 恩里...

on the team's performance is very satisfactory of sina sports dispatch forfeit! With Neymar plum to open two degrees, Barcelona home court 2-0 victory over Paris Saint Germain, the total score 5-1 win. After the game, Barcelona coach Enrique attended the press conference after the game. En...