新关注 > 信息聚合 > 曝恒大亚冠对手引强援,将签约前巴甲金靴


Exposure Hengda AFC Champions League opponents cited reinforcements, will before the signing of the Pakistan a golden boot

2015-07-03 14:52:10来源: 华体网

据日本媒体《footballchannel》报道,刚刚放弃锋线大将莱昂德罗的J联赛劲旅柏太阳神将迎来强援,2013赛季巴甲金靴埃德森( derson)即将加盟球队。柏太阳神将在本赛季亚冠1/4决赛中...

according to Japanese media, "footballchannel reported, just give up generals striker Leandro J-League powerhouse Bai Sun God will usher in reinforcements, the 2013 season ba a golden boot Edson derson will join the team. The sun god Bai in the season 1/4 finals AFC Champions League...