新关注 > 信息聚合 > 郑智一家三口澳洲团聚 中朝战手牵爱子出场|图

郑智一家三口澳洲团聚 中朝战手牵爱子出场|图

The Zheng Zhiyi family of three Australian reunion of Sino Korean War hands beloved figure

2015-01-17 23:33:09来源: 新浪

郑智一家三口澳洲团聚 新浪体育讯 “爸爸、爸爸!”一连串熟悉的声音出现在郑智的耳边。此时,这位国足队长已经乐得合不拢嘴。原来,自己的爱子乐乐和妻子邵娜来到了堪培拉,并在17日晚上来到国家队酒店看...

played Zheng Zhi a family of three Australian reunion of sina sports dispatch "Dad, dad!" A string of familiar voice appeared in Zheng Zhi's ear. At this time, the national soccer team has crowed. In fact, his son Lele and his wife Shao Na came to Canberra, and on the night of 17 to the national team hotel...