新关注 > 信息聚合 > 库卡不满鲁能好球被吹朝裁判暴怒 被罚上看台(图)

库卡不满鲁能好球被吹朝裁判暴怒 被罚上看台(图)

KUKA dissatisfaction Luneng strike was blown towards the referee rage was sent on a stand (Figure)

2014-10-19 20:40:06来源: 新浪

洛维射门瞬间 阿洛伊西奥并未越位 新浪体育讯 北京时间10月19日,中超联赛第28轮继续展开争夺,在一场焦点对决中,山东鲁能坐镇主场迎战广州富力。第14分钟,阿洛伊西奥助攻乌索头球破门。第34分...

Lowe shot moment he Theo not offside time of Beijing of sina sports dispatch on October 19th, the superior league tournament twenty-eighth round to continue the battle, in a focus in the duel, Shandong Luneng sits town home court against Guangzhou R & F. In Fourteenth minutes, he assists Theo ursolic header. Thirty-fourth points...