新关注 > 信息聚合 > 超神战记副本第一章BOSS战攻略


Overall difficulty of the first chapter of a copy of the godlike Senki chapter one boss battle strategy

2015-06-24 15:58:35来源: 4399

超神战记第一章的整体难度其实一点都不高,只要动动手指就能通过,那么就跟小编一起来看看第一章有哪些需要注意的地方吧。 (第一章结束后获得寒冰) 阵容: 第一章:德邦 在过新手引导的同时,第一场...

godlike Senki actually a point is not high, as long as the fingertips, then with Xiaobian see first chapter places which need to pay attention to it. (the first chapter after winning the Han Bing squad): the first chapter: Debon in beginners guide at the same time, the first game...