新关注 > 信息聚合 > 出生时仅重750克84天挺过关卡 “巴掌仙子”要回..

出生时仅重750克84天挺过关卡 “巴掌仙子”要回..

Birth weighs 750 grams of 84 days survived level "the palm Fairy" going back to birth..

2015-08-28 08:45:13来源: 西安新闻网

出生时体重仅有750克的女婴 图片来自网络 宝宝的父母与医护人员为宝宝许愿祝福 记者 王健 摄 西安新闻网-西安晚报讯(记者张黎娜 实习生苗楚晨)出生体重仅有750克的超低体重女婴儿,经过心...

weight only 750 grams of baby pictures from the network the baby's parents and medical personnel for baby blessing wish reporter Wang Jianshe Xi'an News Network - Xi'an evening news (reporter Zhang Lina Intern Miao Chuchen) birthweight only 750 grams of low birthweight baby girl, through the heart...