新关注 > 信息聚合 > 女王杯穆雷一日双赛取连胜 四度问鼎夺赛季第三冠

女王杯穆雷一日双赛取连胜 四度问鼎夺赛季第三冠

Queen cup Murray, double match take four straight title winning season the triple crown

2015-06-21 23:17:11来源: 新浪

新浪体育讯 北京时间6月21日消息,总奖金额为1,696,645欧元的ATP[微博]500赛荷兰全球保险集团冠军赛,即传统的女王杯赛事结束最后决赛的较量,头号种子穆雷[微博]经历一日双赛,半决赛战胜...

sina sports news Beijing time June 21 News, the total prize money for 1696645 Euro microblogging ATP[] 500 match Netherlands global insurance group championship, namely traditional queen cup end of the final contest, the top seeded Murray [microblogging] experience a double match, the semi-final win over...