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胖女生穿衣搭配 胖女孩也有春天

Fat girls dress collocation fat girl spring

2015-07-31 09:10:13来源: 人民网

胖女孩穿衣搭配的误区:1.肥大的服装可遮挡自己的缺点:扬长避短这个词很好的说明这一点,自己的优点要大胆的露出来,而自己的缺点可以适当的遮掩一下。比如臀部稍微…… 胖女孩穿衣搭配的误区:1.肥大的...

, fat girl dress collocation errors: 1. Mast clothing can block their own shortcomings: avoid the word is a good illustration of this point, the advantages of their own to bold dew comes out, and the shortcomings of their own can be appropriate to cover. For example, hip slightly...... Fat girl wearing collocation misunderstanding: 1 hypertrophy...