新关注 > 信息聚合 > 西班牙输球记者挨骂 小法中断采访+怒斥:不要脸

西班牙输球记者挨骂 小法中断采访+怒斥:不要脸

Spain defeat journalists being scolded The small method to cut off the interview + nu: shame on you

2015-04-02 16:00:07来源: 网易

输给荷兰后小法接受采访时被记者的问题激怒,愤怒地中断了采访,并在言语上攻击了该名记者。 网易体育4月2日报道: 继世界杯小组赛惨败给荷兰后,本周中西班牙再次输给对手,本场担任队长的法布雷加斯表现低迷,心情也很郁闷,赛后接受采访时他被记者的问题激怒,愤怒地中断了采访,并在言语上攻击了该...

Small method in an interview after the Dutch defeat was angered by the reporter's questions, angrily interrupted interview, and attacked the reporter on the words. On April 2, netease sports coverage: following the World Cup group stage after the defeat to the Netherlands, Spain once again lost to rivals in this week, the game as captain cesc fabregas dismal performance, mood is very depressed, in an interview after the game he was angered by the reporter's questions, angrily interrupted interview, in a speech against the...