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美人三国3月26性感封测 场景逼真画质飞跃

The beauty of the Three Kingdoms in March 26 sexy scenes with realistic quality leap of IC packaging and testing

2015-03-11 12:30:56来源: 天极网

3D次世代性感战斗网游《美人三国》性感封测将于3月26日开启,激活码发放即将开启!官方放出一组全新实景截图,从截图中我们可以看出,游戏的画质水准又有了明显提升,单是画面就是一种视觉享受!此外美人、副本、活动等内容在二测中都将有极大的内容充实。 《美人三国》3月26日性感封测全新海报 ...

3D next generation combat net swims "Three Kingdoms" sexy beauty sexy packaging will open on March 26th, the activation code to issue official opening! Released a set of new real screenshots, we can see from the screenshot, the game quality level has improved significantly, single picture is a kind of visual enjoyment of beauty! In addition, copy, activity content measured in two will greatly enrich the content. "Three Kingdoms" sexy beauty March 26th IC packaging and testing new posters...