新关注 > 信息聚合 > 智能烤箱:全自动料理高手


Smart oven: full automatic cooking master

2015-06-24 11:54:10来源: 中国信息产业网

虽然NVIDIA近来将Tegra应用处理器的重心转往与视觉运算更相关的嵌入式系统如机器人、智能汽车、工厂自动化等领域,但也不代表Tegra离一般消费者会越来越远;这次Tegra K1被家电厂商Jun...

while NVIDIA recently Tegra application processor is transferred to the center of gravity more relevant to the visual computing for embedded systems such as robots, intelligent vehicles, factory automation and other fields, but also does not mean that Tegra from general consumer will more and more far; the Tegra K1 is Jun of home appliance manufacturers.