新关注 > 信息聚合 > Vivo X5F获工信部入网 或与X5Max同发

Vivo X5F获工信部入网 或与X5Max同发

Vivo X5F won the Ministry of network or X5Max with

2014-12-10 09:11:16来源: 搜狐

今日下午2点30分,vivo将会正式发布主打Hi-Fi 2.0和全球超薄机身的薄动心弦X5Max了,不过最新的消息显示,现在有另一款vivo新机获工信部入网认证,它可能会与X5Max一同放发布。 ...

today at two thirty in the afternoon, vivo will be officially released flagship Hi-Fi 2 and global thin thin the heartstrings of X5Max, but the latest news shows, there is now another vivo new machine won the Ministry of network authentication, it could put along with the release of X5Max. ...