新关注 > 信息聚合 > 拳坛世纪之战帕奎奥VS梅威瑟关注度超当年泰森


Boxing shijizhizhan VS Pacquiao Mayweather degree of concern over the year Tyson

2015-05-07 06:20:30来源: 新浪

梅威瑟帕奎奥之战关注度超泰森 新浪体育讯 万人瞩目的拳坛世纪之战在北京时间5月3日落下帷幕,“漂亮男孩”梅威瑟以点数击败对手帕奎奥,也许拳迷并不在乎胜负一方但是真正让他们疯狂的是一组惊人的数据,据AG亚游体育赛事竞技平台统计,本场比赛的关注度和影响力超过了1997年泰森与霍利菲尔德的...

Mayweather degree of concern over the battle of Pacquiao Tyson of sina sports dispatch million people watched the boxing fight of the century in Beijing in May 3 sunset under the curtain, "pretty boy" to beat Mayweather points on the handkerchief Pacquiao, maybe the fans do not care about the outcome a party but really make them crazy is an amazing group of data, according to the AG Asian tour athletics sports statistics platform, the game's attention and influence over the 1997 Tyson and Hollifield...