新关注 > 信息聚合 > 马德秀:提高乡村教育质量,必须牢牢抓住乡村教..


Ma Dexiu: improve the quality of rural education, we must firmly seize the country to teach..

2015-03-10 20:48:07来源: 人民网

(两会授权发布)马德秀委员代表全国政协教科文卫体委员会、民进中央发言: 提高乡村教育质量,必须牢牢抓住乡村教师这个根本 新华社北京3月10日电(记者余晓洁)马德秀委员10日代表全国政协教科文卫...

(authorized the release of two sessions) MA Dexiu CPPCC members representing teach scientific and cultural, health and Sports Committee, the DPP central to speak: improve the quality of rural education, we must firmly grasp the rural teachers this root the Xinhua news agency, Beijing, March 10 (Reporter Yu Xiaojie) MA Dexiu member 10 on behalf of the CPPCC esch...