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“过劳死”频发 积劳成疾的8个危险信号

"Death from overwork" frequent overwork 8 a danger signal

2015-08-25 11:27:56来源: 大河网

最近一段时间,惠州连续发生两例基层民警“过劳死”的悲剧。如何避免?前提是及时发现身体传递给自己的疲劳信号。 ◎信号一感觉眼睛发酸、干涩 感觉眼睛酸痛、发胀、干涩、视力模糊,别人看你也觉得眼睛无...

recently a period of time, Huizhou occurred successively in two cases of grassroots police "death from overwork" tragedy. How to avoid? The premise is that the body is found in time to pass to his fatigue signal. \ \ a signal a feeling sore eyes, feel dry eyes ache, bloated, dryness, blurred vision, others see you also feel no eyes...