新关注 > 信息聚合 > 李小鹏出席CUBA联赛&《街头篮球》合作发布会


Li Xiaopeng attended the CUBA League & "street basketball" Cooperation Conference

2015-03-07 07:31:59来源: 新浪

街头篮球 CGWR 得分 CGWR:167 位 CGWR介绍 新浪游戏讯 3月6日下午,《街头篮球》与CUBA的合作发布会在在北京昆泰嘉华酒店正式举行。 这是国内首个篮球联赛与网络游戏合作,非凡体育董事长李小鹏、韩国JCE亚洲区总经理田儇奎、天游副总裁李侑家,大学生体育协会及...

street basketball CGWR score of CGWR:167 bit CGWR introduced Sina game news on March 6th afternoon, "street basketball" and the CUBA cooperation conference held in Beijing Kuntai Royal hotel. This is the first domestic basketball league and the network game cooperation, special sports chairman Li Xiaopeng, general manager of JCE Asia tour of South Korea Tian Xuankui, vice president Li Youjia, the Federation of university sports and...

标签: 小鹏