新关注 > 信息聚合 > 87岁绵掌传人隐身社区教拳 主教绵掌、大悲拳(图)

87岁绵掌传人隐身社区教拳 主教绵掌、大悲拳(图)

87 year old cotton palm successor stealth community teach boxing bishop cotton palm, Dabei Boxing (Figure)

2015-04-01 16:32:43来源: 中国新闻网

刘航摄 每周六日早晨,一位白发老者就会缓缓骑着自行车,来到元大都土城遗址公园,与在这里等候他的男女老少会合,摆开阵势,练起拳法,老者时而领打,时而纠正学员动作,周周如此,已有多年。教拳的老者看上...

Liuhang taken a week six day morning, a white hair old man will slowly riding a bicycle, to Dadu City Wall Relics Park, and here waiting for his men, women and children meet, swing open battle, practicing boxing, old man sometimes lead to play, sometimes correct students action, week in and week so. For many years. The old man who teaches the fist to see...