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国产全球最薄 vivo X5Max天猫电器城首发

Domestic world's thinnest vivo X5Max Tmall Electrical City first

2014-12-11 16:11:43来源: 太平洋电脑网

【PConline电商站行情】10日下午,vivo又向世人展现了其做薄的功力,正式发布了4.75mm全球最薄手机——vivo X5Max,该款手机创造了多项世界级记录。当然除最薄设计,该机运用了全新架构的Hi-Fi 2.0,并采用雅马哈芯片以打造良好的卡拉OK效果。而且在拍照上拥有和vi...

[market] 10 days afternoon, vivo and to show the world its thin the skill, the official release of 4.75mm world's thinnest mobile phone -- vivo X5Max, the mobile phone has created a number of world records. Of course, in addition to the thin design, this machine use the new architecture of the Hi-Fi 2, and the use of Yamaha chip to create the good Cara OK effect. And have in photographs and vi...

标签: 天猫