新关注 > 信息聚合 > 天猫精灵高薪聘请河南话声模 日薪8000元

天猫精灵高薪聘请河南话声模 日薪8000元

Tmall Genie hired Henan voice model with a high salary, with a daily salary of 8000 yuan

2020-04-29 00:00:00来源: 人民网

  近日,一则招募信息在河南本土引起了强烈反响:天猫精灵招募“河南话”声模,日薪高达8000元。4月28日,阿里巴巴旗下人工智能助手天猫精灵向媒体确认,四川话版本上线后,收到不少用户反馈,希望开发更多的方言版本,目前已经把开发河南话版本的天猫精灵提上日程,招募声模是为开发提供语料研究。   为什么选择河南话作为第二个开发的方言版本?天猫精灵方言产品负责人张迈表示,一是因为河南用户的呼声非常高,二是考虑到河南话文化底蕴非常深厚,中原官话是中国古代5000年的“普通话”,具有很强的方言传承和保护价值。   阿里巴巴天猫精灵事业部总经理库伟表示:“天猫精灵持续不断地开发方言版本,不仅是为了让人工智能助手更具备‘人性’,成为家庭一员,也是为了让科技发挥更大的价值。四川话版本的上线,验证了技术上的可能性,将加速其他方

Recently, a recruitment message has aroused strong repercussions in Henan: tmall elves recruit "Henan dialect" voice models, with a daily salary of up to 8000 yuan. On April 28, tmall genie, Alibaba's artificial intelligence assistant, confirmed to the media that after the Sichuan version went online, it received many users' feedback and hoped to develop more dialect versions. At present, it has put the development of Henan version of tmall Genie on the agenda and recruited voice models to provide corpus research for development. Why choose Henan dialect as the second developed dialect version? Zhang Mai, the product director of tmall elves dialect, said that first, the voice of Henan users is very high, and second, considering the profound cultural heritage of Henan dialect, the Central Plains Mandarin is the "Mandarin" of ancient China for 5000 years, which has a strong dialect inheritance and protection value. Kuwei, general manager of Alibaba tmall Genie business department, said: "tmall Genie continues to develop dialect versions, not only to make artificial intelligence assistant more" human ", become a member of the family, but also to make technology play a greater value. The launch of Sichuan dialect version has verified the technical possibility and will speed up other parties

标签: 天猫