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意大利美妆品牌Bottega Verde落户天猫

Italian beauty brand Bottega Verde settled lynx

2015-08-12 14:15:16来源: 亿邦动力网

8月12日消息,日前,意大利植物护肤品牌Bottega Verde(意柏嘉)以品牌官网的形式正式落户于天猫美妆。这或将成为其试水中国化妆品市场的前站。Bottega Verde天猫旗舰店首页据亿邦动力网了解,Bottega Verde始建于1972年的意大利托斯卡纳,属于意大利本土极具代表性的自然主义化妆品品牌。其最大的特色是选用具有活力的新鲜植物,提取自然精华成分制成护肤品。由于产品质量高、定价亲民,该品牌的产品深受意大利民众喜爱,并连续三年被评为“意大利女性首选护肤品牌”。据悉,Bottega Verde天猫官方旗舰店首批共上线了77款美容护肤产品,基本囊括了旗下所有知名系列产品,售价范围...

8 month 12. Recently, Italy plant skincare brand Bottega Verde (Barclay) in the form of the brand's official website officially settled in lynx beauty. This would be its water Chinese cosmetics market station. Bottega Verde lynx flagship shop at home it is understood billion state power network, Bottega Verde, founded in 1972, Tuscany, Italy, which belongs to the Italian representative of naturalism cosmetic brand. Its biggest feature is the selection of fresh plant with the vitality of natural extracts made of skin care products. Due to the high quality of products, pricing, the people first, the brand products by the people of Italy, and for three consecutive years was named "Italy women's first choice for skin care brand". It is reported that the first line of the Verde Bottega lynx official flagship store on the line of 77 beauty skin care products, basically include all of its well-known series of products, price range...

标签: 天猫