新关注 > 信息聚合 > Hello语音杯CFM枪王争霸 直播开启抽奖送礼

Hello语音杯CFM枪王争霸 直播开启抽奖送礼

Hello voice king cup CFM gun Live open draw a gift

2018-10-30 00:00:00来源: 人民网

10月30日,Hello语音杯CFM枪王争霸赛迎来16进8赛段。此前入围的16支强队将展开巅峰对决,赢取3万元奖金。 据悉,本届比赛是由腾讯《穿越火线-枪战王者》官方授权的第三方民间公开赛,主办方联手斗鱼将于10月30日进行开赛直播。观众可关注官方微博@Hello语音参与微博抽奖,或在比赛直播间参加弹幕抽奖。活动将送出价值超千元的现金奖励以及100份游戏CDK道具礼包。 本届比赛从16强赛程开始直播,全程见证Hello语音杯CFM冠军枪王的诞生。主办方特别邀请《穿越火线-枪战王者》人气主播“默依默”进行赛事解说,力求为大家提供全方位的直播赛况。 【赛程直播时间】 16强比赛:10...

On October 30, Hello CFM gun voice cup champions have 16 the king went into eight stages. Has been shortlisted for the 16 teams will open, win a prize of $30000. It is reported, this game is composed of tencent "through wire - gun king" official authorized third party civil open, the organizers to selectively will be opening a live on October 30. Audience can focus on the official weibo @ Hello voice part in weibo lucky draw, or in the studio to barrage draw. Activities will be sent out more than one thousand yuan worth of cash incentives props and 100 game CDK gift bag. The competition from 16 fixtures begin to live, the entire witness the birth of king Hello voice gun CFM title. The organizers invited "through wire - gun king" anchor "in accordance with the vision" to the commentary, makes every effort to provide a full range of live action. 】 【 race live time of 16 games: 10...

标签: 直播 CF