新关注 > 信息聚合 > 宁海学子和热心网友登山“寻根方孝孺”


Ninghai students and enthusiastic netizen mountaineering "seeking the root of Fang Xiaoru"

2014-10-23 23:24:31来源: 中国宁波网

宁海学子和热心网友手持书卷,朗读方孝孺著作《逊志斋》中的诗文。 探寻过程中。 活动现场 大佳何镇第二届群众文化艺术节晚会现场 中国宁波网10月23日讯(记者 陈章升 通讯员 陈云松 王晓娜...

Ninghai students and enthusiastic netizen with books, read the works of Fang Xiaoru "Xun Zhi Zhai" in poetry. Explore the process. Activities at the scene of dajiahe town second mass cultural art festival party scene China Ningbo network October 23rd news (reporter Chen Zhangsheng correspondent Chen Yunsong Wang Xiaona...