新关注 > 信息聚合 > 《不良人》手游COS大赛火爆异常 黑白无常人气超高

《不良人》手游COS大赛火爆异常 黑白无常人气超高

"To not beloved" tour cos competition unusually hot black and white is impermanent ultra-high popularity

2015-05-06 12:06:31来源: 4399

5月姗姗来到,天气逐渐转暖,而不良人手游也与各位玩家又近了一步。据悉,不良人手游官方将举办游戏人物COSPLAY大赛,有兴趣的玩家们往下看吧! 同时,由掌趣科技与若森数字联合举办的不良人手游官方C...

5 month Shanshan, the weather gradually warming, and not beloved tour also and all the players and near the step. It is reported that the official hand tour of the official Games will be held by the game characters COSPLAY contest, the players are interested to look down on it! At the same time, jointly organized by the zhangqu technology and ruosen digital bad people Mobile Games official C...

标签: 手游