新关注 > 信息聚合 > 凡人亦可成神!《天铸》神圣形态抢鲜预览


Ordinary people can also become God! "Day" cast holy form by the Russian "prerelease preview

2015-04-25 03:47:08来源: 17173

由俄罗斯《巫师之怒》制作工作室Allods Team和黑曜石娱乐公司共同开发的动作角色扮演网游《天铸》官方网站日前公布了游戏中的神圣形态(Divine Form)。在背景设定中,玩家的最终目标是通过...

Allods" studio Allods Team and obsidian entertainment company jointly developed online games "action Cosplay Sandstein" official website released a sacred form in the game (Divine Form). In the background of setting, the ultimate goal is through the game player...